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    • Laterite ore with 1.3% Ni content, cif China, $/tonne
    • Lithium hydroxide monohydrate LiOH.H2O, 56.5% LiOH min, technical and industrial grades, spot price ddp US and Canada, $/kg
    • Lithium carbonate 99.5% Li2CO3 min, battery grade, spot price ddp US and Canada, $/kg

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    What’s happening in the metals market?

    Russian brands of metal produced before Saturday April 13 can no longer be delivered to the London Metal Exchange or CME Group following the imposition of new sanctions by the UK and the US

    More copper smelters are likely to reduce capacity amid record-low spot treatment and refining charges (TCs/RCs), the chief executive of Chile-based copper miner Antofagasta Minerals said

    Andy Farida, Fastmarkets base metals research analyst, looks at the effect of the US elections on US aluminium prices

    A small deficit is emerging in the refined copper market, reversing consensual expectations a year-ago for a relatively balanced market in 2024, according to the chief executive of Chile-based miner Antofagasta Minerals

    Antofagasta Minerals has secured two seats on the board of Peruvian miner Buenaventura and continues to focus on growing in copper in the Americas, the Chile-based miner’s CEO Iván Arriagada told Fastmarkets in a recent interview

    Global copper market participants will descend upon the Chilean capital of Santiago for the annual CESCO Week industry gathering

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    Metal Bulletin • American Metal Market • Scrap Price Bulletin • Industrial Minerals • RISI • FOEX • The Jacobsen • Agricensus • Random Lengths • FastMarkets and more