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    • Steel coil 55% Al-Zn coated steel import, South Korean-made, ddp Gulf Ports, $/cwt
    • Zorba 95/5, cif India, cif India, $/tonne
    • Aluminium scrap, old sheet (Taint/Tabor), cut sheared, 5-8% attachments, cif India, $/tonne

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    What’s happening in the metals market?

    Fastmarkets launched a suite of CIF India aluminium scrap prices on Wednesday April 17.

    Brazil’s aluminium industry is further enhancing its sustainability by boosting renewable energy use and recycling, while mitigating risk from high-carbon imports

    China’s stainless steel prices saw a notable increase last week, driven by global sanctions affecting nickel, which is a key component

    German copper producer Aurubis is among the least likely to consider reducing capacity despite record low treatment charges (TCs), according to its chief executive officer

    European copper demand, particularly for wire rod, remains strong and seems to be outpacing broader macro-economic growth in the region, the chief executive officer of German producer Aurubis has said.

    The process to place the smaller and less efficient of the two processing plants at Los Bronces on care and maintenance is expected to be completed by mid-2024 and comes as the company pushes value over volume, the chief executive officer of Anglo American Chile said

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